Military in Transition

Military Transition: Speaking Civilian Again

Every group has its own ‘language’. Remember when you joined the service and hardly understood what anyone was saying? Now you need to ‘learn the lingo’ used for your target jobs.

An easy first step is to pick out a couple of the words which describe what you want to do next. Examples: data modeler […]

By |May 9th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Speaking Civilian Again

Military Transition: Plan for Success

A very common failure in military transition to a successful civilian career is a lack of focus. This applies even if you think you might want to keep doing what you have done in the military. A failure to look at your own successes and do some self-analysis so you understand your short and […]

By |April 6th, 2016|Military in Transition, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Military Transition: Plan for Success

Military Transition: Research Cheat Sheet

As you develop your job search plan a ‘cheat sheet’ helps to uncover some common issues which you need to understand. Answers to these questions will help you select employers who meet your goals.  Later, as you interview, review the research you did on the questions to prepare for the interview. Then select questions […]

By |March 15th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Research Cheat Sheet

Military Transition: Smart Resume Tips

A resume is an advertisement for you – designed solely to show what you can do immediately for an employer, so that they will contact you.

1. Focus, Focus, Focus!

Before you create your resumes, focus on the specific type of work you want to do and the organizations you want to work with. This takes […]

By |March 9th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Smart Resume Tips

Military Transition: Start Smart for Success

The Good news:  You have skills and knowledge that can lead to a good job.  Companies are hiring vets and the federal government has hired more in the past few years than ever before.

However, you may want to jump into an active job search and find a job fast. Or perhaps you think that […]

By |February 25th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Start Smart for Success

Military Transition: Understanding Private Sector Pay

Civilian compensation is very different from military pay and benefits. Thus it is important that you learn what to expect in your chosen career field.

What do you want?
Your chosen career plays a big role in your pay. Those fields where there is high demand but limited supply generally pay well – current example is […]

By |February 20th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Understanding Private Sector Pay

Military Transition: 3 Networking Tips

It’s not rocket science or millions of people wouldn’t be doing it so successfully. And you know how to do it, too, if you take the time.

Tip 1. Define your Plan
Start with a plan. What do you need to do now and what will you do once you are in your desired civilian location? […]

By |February 17th, 2016|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: 3 Networking Tips

Veterans Day – Job Search Tips for Military

From our Veterans Day Twitter-fest.

Special for #VeteransDay #Hiring #transitioningmilitary tips for ur #biz

Tips for #transitioningmilitary #jobsearch for #VeteransDay

#AlexandriaVA #smallbiz #NPO #association learn how#veterans can help u

Career strategies for #transitioningmilitary

Tips for smarter #jobsearch #VeteransDay #WomensMemorial

Using #SocialMedia and recruiters #transitioningMilitary Thx @MarkADyson @careersultan #VeteransDay

#Veterans #transtioningMilitary #Interviewing Tips

Interviewing Tips for Veterans from ClearedJobs.Net on Vimeo.

By |November 12th, 2015|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Veterans Day – Job Search Tips for Military

Military Transition Articles

These are links to articles on LinkedIn from my new series on successful transition to the private sector. They are based on many years of working with transitioning military and veterans in job search and career development efforts.

Preparation and Strategy

Figuring out what you really want to do and how well you understand your job […]

By |July 22nd, 2015|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition Articles

Military Transition: Social Media Tips

There is excellent advice on LinkedIn’s own blog and many other sources on developing your online presence, branding, and use of social media in job search. Do you know that over 90% of recruiters and hiring managers look for candidates via social media? And that most people look for your LinkedIn profile before contacting […]

By |June 8th, 2015|Military in Transition|Comments Off on Military Transition: Social Media Tips